Joint Statement : 1,300 PDK workers fight for their justice to Adidas

Joint Statement : 1,300 PDK workers fight for their justice to Adidas . ·          The World Cup event that sponsored by Adidas to gain mor...

Joint Statement :
1,300 PDK workers fight for their justice to Adidas.

·         The World Cup event that sponsored by Adidas to gain more profits has been at the expenses of cheap labour!
·         Adidas shall be responsible to pay the compensation for the 1,300 workers at PT Panarub Dwikarya (PDK) who have been unfairly dismissed in July 2012!

For humanity and justice
We are representing the unfairly dismissed workers of PT Panarub Dwikarya (members of PTP SBGTS union) affiliated with the Federation of Independent Trade Union (GSBI) Indonesia and by the support of the Asian TNCs Monitoring Network, migrant workers organizations and different local labour organization in Hong Kong, urge Adidas to hold responsibility for the fate of the workers. They have been suffered and neglected.  

We are aware that Adidas has gained more profit by 6.5 percent (USD 403 million) last year (Bloomberg, May 7, 2013). Adidas is also one of the sponsors at the World Cup event, paying the football models including Lionel Messi and David Beckham as much as USD 2.5 million and USD 8.5 million every season respectively. Out of World Cup event in Brazil, Adidas expects to increase their sale at least USD 2.8 billion (Kompas, March 13, 2013).

Despite the huge profit they have been making, Adidas keeps silent to the fact that there are rights violation at their supplier companies. PDK workers were unfairly dismissed for their protest against poor working condition, the low wages they received - below the minimum wages, and the harassment as well as intimidations they experienced, among others. 

Since July 2012, most of 1.300 workers have taken their very small compensations due to economic pressure. One worker has died due to sickness. The compensation the company provided is far below the amount that stipulated by the regulation, which, therefore, Adidas and PDK has been violating the Indonesian labour law.

As for now, there are 356 workers who still continue the struggle for the justice. For workers’ rights and justice, we demand:
1.      Adidas to take measures by urging the company (PT PDK) and Adidas Indonesia office to settle the dispute fairly. 
2.      Adidas and PDK to reinstate 356 workers, or to pay severance and compensation in accordance to the labour law. 
3.      Adidas and the PDK Company to pay the compensation for the workers’ rights violations.
4.      Adidas and the supplier company to pay the health insurance for the workers and their family for at least one year by covering their health insurance.
5.      Adidas and its supplier companies to respect the freedom of association and the rights to collective bargaining.

Hong Kong, 20 June 2014

Federation of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), Indonesia
Asian TNCs Monitoring Network

Rudi HB Daman (GSBI, Indonesia) :
Eni Lestari (FPR-HK) :
Fahmi Panimbang (AMRC) :


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